I'm in awe of how long it's taken me to get this post up, but I guess that's what having two children can do to your schedule and plans. Needless to say it's been hard to get things done, but oh what a joy it's been to spend quality time with my family. This post consist of newborn pictures of Gideon that I was able to capture on days 6 and 7. Then the family session was captured by my friend Angela Tucker. Thank you for the gift of these photos, Angela!
Love this detail profile shot. It's shots like these that I love most.
These next few shots I will not go into detail of what it took to get these, but I'm thrilled I was able to capture this little guys smile. The quilt was made by my Grandma Marjorie (my dad's mom), whom I never had the pleasure to meet since she passed before I was born. Wish this quilt was a little bigger because I'd love to have it as part of our bedding.
And of course we had to incorporate some Ernest "Hemingway" books. These shots are for my hubby.