This precious newborn is the daughter of Cori and Paul Winter. The brother of one my past bride's, Anne-Marie. Baby Jane was awesome during her session and I think cried out maybe once! A little back story on her sweet name. Her first name Jane is after Cori's grandmother and is also Cori's middle name. Her middle name Louise is after Paul's grandmother. I absolutely love hearing the phrase "Baby Jane". It just sounds so sweet to me.
We started out the session by using an old suitcase full of photographs and a handmade green blanket, which was made by Emily, Paul's Dad's neighbor.
The crocheted blanket was made by Grandma Jane.
These next set of images we had Baby Jane swaddled in the very blanket Cori came home from the hospital in. They decided to bring Jane home in it too.
Cori's mom, Mari, was visiting from out of state. I captured a few sweet shots and so glad she participated. Love this image of the three girls below!
The precious baby shoes featured above were Cori's.
These next two images below feature Grandma Jane and Grandma Maria Louisa.
And these next few shots we did at the end of the session after I found out Paul is a musician and the worship leader at his church. I thought the piano was perfect for a newborn shot and I loved how they turned out. Especially the black and white version.