
The Fink Life - Holly's Cancer Journey

Most of you may already know of this news, but for those of you that do not here it is. My 35 year old sister was diagnosed with breast cancer just 6 weeks ago. She has already overcome many doctor and hospital visits, three chemo treatments with 5 more to go in the next 10 weeks. I have been extremely encouraged by my sister's strength with this news and her outlook on it. I know personally that her faith in God keeps her spirit high. Knowing and understanding that He has a perfect plan sure helps when you receive news of this sort.

Holly has plans to start a blog so others can follow her journey to kick this cancer. I've offered to take portraits of her along the way to help document the process. Doctors warned her that her hair would start to fall out just weeks after the first chemo treatment, so she cut it really short to avoid a sore scalp. She sported a super-cute pixie cut for about a week before her hair started shedding so she went ahead and shaved it all off.  Without further ado,  here's my BEAUTIFUL sister Holly.


  1. You are hilarious love the last picture. Your personality and joyful spirit and also your faith in GOD will pull you though this little Southern Bell!!!!! Love you, stay strong.

  2. Holly, you are beautiful. We share a kindred spirit; Seven years ago a motor vehicle accident left me a quadriplegic. I am now walking & moving with only a few limitations. GO GIRL! KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT! WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! LOVE & PRAYERS WILL REMAIN WITH YOU UNTIL YOU ARE HEALED! HALLELUJAH!!!

  3. I always thought Holly had the most expressive eyebrows. They sure are accentuated now. What a beautiful, strong, amazing woman! <3
