
Maternity - Michelle and Brian

Michelle and Brian are expecting their first baby soon.  It's always great meeting a couple when it's just the two of them knowing how much their lives are about to change.  They've got more patience and discipline than I do electing to wait until the day of delivery to find out the gender of the baby.  They wanted to do the session at their own home, which lucky for me, offered tons of excellent photographic spots. I told her I just might have to return to her neighborhood for another session because it offered so much. 
Apparently Brian, like most men I know, isn't a big fan of getting his picture taken, but you would never know because he was such a natural.  Their dog Spiller joined them for a portion of the session.  Spiller was absolutely precious and had a beautiful coat of fur that I just wanted to keep petting. 
 Congratulations Michelle and Brian and I'm looking forward to seeing your little bundle of joy soon!


Maternity - The Tucker Family

I'm very excited to share the Tucker Family's third maternity session! You may remember Angela, who is a very good friend and colleague of mine. I've done many other sessions with them over the years and love watching this family grow. They already have two boys, Oliver (was born on the same day as my daughter, Adelai) and Canaan. In addition to their two boys, Matt and Angela are expecting another baby BOY any day now! 
We headed to a new park in uptown Charlotte and had such beautiful light bouncing around the tall buildings. You'll probably notice very quickly that Oliver was doing great in front of the camera, however Canaan felt very differently that day. I still love capturing the raw moments in life. Hope you enjoy and I'm sure you'll be seeing another session of this family soon with an additional member.


Maternity - The Jarrell Family

The Jarrell family is back on the blog again and this time it's for baby to be! You may remember this family when I did Hunter's 1 year old session and now they are expecting another little one in the next month. I must say this was by far one of the coldest sessions I have ever done. They bundled up for 37 degree weather on a Saturday morning. Thank you guys for being good sports about it! We started the session outside of the ImaginOn Library in uptown (really downtown) Charlotte and then snuck inside to warm up. If you haven't visited the ImaginOn Library you must! Very great venue for the little ones.

Well congratulations Ashleigh and Craig! Looking forward to seeing Hunter's new baby brother.

Below is Hunter's reaction when he saw the light rail train coming down the tracks. Priceless.